- 2022年1月10日星期一
MartinLogan的Subwoofer Control應用程序使用藍牙連接來簡化Dynamo 600X,800X,1100X和1600X的設置和配置。基於應用程序的控件包括音量級別,低通濾波器(頻率和順序),相位,20-30Hz級別,三種預設聆聽模式以及Anthem房間校正控制。獨特的音調掃描功能可幫助用戶定位聽音室中可能出現麻煩的嘎嘎聲或共鳴的區域。只需按一下按鈕,聽眾就可以啟動20-120Hz的音調掃描。如果在房間內發生撥浪鼓或共鳴,則可以保持任何頻率,允許聽眾調查並識別不想要的噪聲的來源。
在實驗室中,MartinLogan工程師力求提高透明度。在實驗室外,有一個我們的工程師永遠不會考慮的通配符 - 聽音室。聆聽空間(及其內容)的獨特尺寸和形狀可以使低音波做出不可預測的事情,極大地影響了超低音揚聲器的整體性能。 Anthem Room Correction測量房間內的低頻聲音輸出,並將其與最佳響應曲線進行比較,以反映空間異常。 Anthem Room Correction的高級算法有效地消除了異常現象,只留下了理想的標準 - 現實混合,自然發聲的低音。 Dynamo 600X,800X,1100X和1600X利用藍牙連接與智能手機或USB連接與PC運行Anthem Room Correction。
當放置在機櫃或其他不同位置時,Dynamo 800X,1100X和1600X超低音揚聲器可輕鬆轉換為標準向下射擊到前射擊方向,無需任何工具或特殊技能。提供格柵用於前發射應用。
儘管正確放置在優化超低音揚聲器性能方面起著關鍵作用,但有時會給穿過牆壁,沿著踢腳板或地板和地毯下方運行長電纜帶來不便。為了解決這個問題,Dynamo 600X,800X,1100X和1600X包括一個可選無線系統的連接端口。 MartinLogan新推出的SWT-X無線低音炮系統(另售)採用了最新的無線音頻傳輸技術,包括2.4GHz動態頻率選擇,前向糾錯以及高達50英尺的範圍。 SWT-X接收器易於安裝在超低音揚聲器中,無需外部電源或音頻連接。
Dynamo 400,600X,800X,1100X和1600X超低音揚聲器通過RCA線路電平和揚聲器電平連接提供左右輸入。
Dynamo 400和600X的右輸入可作為家庭影院應用的LFE輸入。 Dynamo 800X通過添加離散LFE RCA線路電平輸入來提高賭注。通過為LFE連接添加XLR和RCA輸入,Dynamo 1100X和1600X更進了一步。
Dynamo 800X,1100X和1600X具有12V觸發輸入,允許外部設備打開和關閉超低音揚聲器。
Dynamo 800X,1100X和1600X超低音揚聲器通過強大的連接和控制系統提供左右輸入,允許同時連接2聲道立體聲音樂和多聲道家庭影院,並允許每個音源具有單獨的分頻和電平設置,聽眾在每個應用程序中都有完美的表現。 LFE輸入不使用低通濾波器,而是將交叉控制留給處理器。左右輸入集成了離散的用戶可調低通濾波器,可在播放雙聲道音樂時提供不同的電平和交叉點。
最新一代的MartinLogan Dynamo超低音揚聲器採用先進設計的低音揚聲器,具有倒置環繞聲和強大的磁鐵,電機和懸架設計。在前火模式下,獨特的倒置環繞設計最大化了烤架蓋後面的偏移間隙。當定位在向下發射配置中時,倒置的環繞顯著減少了與氣流相關的湍流,從而實現清晰且詳細的低頻體驗。
在MartinLogan的加拿大工廠製造,Dynamo 1600X和1100X中的先進技術低音揚聲器代表了低音揚聲器工程的巔峰之作。為了實現極其線性的響應並最大限度地減少失真,在每個低音揚聲器錐體上包覆成型倒置環繞,以形成永久性連接,同時允許在360度錐體周圍進行極其一致的重量分佈。此外,通過包覆成型技術產生的更強和更可靠的結合不僅最大化了功率處理能力,而且還減少了從音圈通過錐體到環繞邊緣的聲學破壞性邊緣返回反射。為了進一步最大化線性度,一個強大的音圈手動纏繞到四分之一轉的公差,以提供一致的阻抗。
Dynamo超低音揚聲器的每個元件都經過精心設計,以緊湊的尺寸提供驚人的低頻性能,並採用最新技術 - 所有這些都沒有一絲失真。
Dynamo超低音揚聲器中使用的IME濾波器來自未濾波的驅動器響應的反轉。精確IME濾波可產生極其精確的低頻響應 - 優於此價格範圍內低音揚聲器中常見的簡單二階高Q濾波器。
雖然端口在正確設計時是增加低頻輸出的一種方便且經濟的方式,但在小型機櫃中使用時,它們對諧振能量的依賴會影響低音質量。 Dynamo 800X,1100X和1600X是緊湊型密封低音炮系統,可以最大限度地減少瞬態模糊群延遲,同時保持平滑,一致的響應,無論音樂或電影源材料如何。機櫃由最精細的複合材料製成,用於聲學完整性。在內部,嚴格放置的結構交叉支撐為低音揚聲器提供了穩定的基礎,而增加的剛度使機櫃引起的共振和非線性保持在聽不見的水平。
Dynamo 800X,1100X和1600X配備定制ETC尖釘,可用於增強厚地毯的穩定性,或在低音炮和地板之間創建更緊密的耦合,以提高整體音質。內置鞋釘方便且分散地隱藏在橡膠腳下方。
"The 1100X seriously impressed me for the price, offering exceptional build quality, seamless sound quality, impressive bass extension, and feature-rich software control."—Dylan Seeger,
"...the many options on the app allow a degree of setup perfection that is unmatched in the industry."—Matthew Poes, AV Nirvana
"What you get is a serious value for your money. Beautiful, thoughtfully designed speakers with a sound that begs you to plant yourself on the couch and watch movies for hours on end. And that might be the only negative point, you might need to budget in the additional cost of a personal trainer, to get your ass off the couch."—Taps Das, Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity
"If subwoofers are the foundation of any system, you’d do well to set the Dynamo 1100X as the cornerstone of yours. Highly and enthusiastically recommended."—Theo Nicolakis, The Poor Audiophile
"When doing initial research for this review, I was surprised to learn that subwoofers have become MartinLogan’s best- selling product. I’ve always thought of MartinLogan as the electrostatic speaker company, but with a subwoofer as great-sounding and flexible as the Dynamo 1100X, it’s no wonder that subs have become a key part of their business. This latest generation of Dynamos will surely consolidate that success, and with the company’s app-based remote control and Anthem Room Correction, you won’t need a youngest-child helper to turn the knobs."—Michael Trei, Sound & Vision
—Gene DellaSala, Audioholics
頻率響應 |
22-200 Hz±3 dB。 LFE模式下的消音。 |
阻抗 |
RCA :8,300歐姆 |
低頻傳感器 |
12英寸(30.5厘米)高偏移,倒置環繞,聚丙烯錐體,鑄鋁籃,帶延長投擲驅動器組件;密封非共振櫃設計。 |
放大器 |
650瓦(1,300峰值) |
軟件 |
子控制應用程序 :iOS和Android |
房間更正 |
國歌室校正(ARC) |
控件(背板) |
等級 :最小 - 最大 |
控制(通過藍牙) |
等級 :-40至12dB |
輸入(音頻) |
線路級別 :左,右和LFE |
輸入(音頻,無線) |
SWT-X接收器和發射器(另售) |
輸入(其他) |
USB :Micro USB(用於ARC /固件更新) |
力量吸引力 |
典型值:100W,最大值:600W,空閒:15W,待機:0.5W |
腳 |
橡膠,ETC(能量轉換耦合器)尖峰 |
重量 |
46磅(20.9公斤) |
尺寸(HxWxD),正面射擊 |
17.2“x 15”x 16.2“ |
尺寸(HxWxD),向下射擊 |
17.1“x 15”x 15.6“ |
完 |
緞黑 |
The more, the merrier! Initially buying one 1100X and a 800X just to try out, I ended up buying three more 1100X subs. The primary goal at the time was to create a couple stacks to blend to my Expressions which have a great amount of bass, but I wanted to find out if more woofers would "fill" my large room with more finesse. The short answer is yes! Each Expression now has a pair of 1100X subs stacked about 1" away on the outboard side of each. The bottom with its feet, the top with no feet and a rubber membrane between them for great stability. After a bit of tuning that really wasn't too difficult the result is way better than I expected! I turned down the Bass Control Knob on the Expressions all the way to -10dB which makes the 1100X subs work up to around 90Hz, well, one of them, the other is at a lower setting. Each sub has some unique settings and some settings are shared. I was expecting some improvement in overall feel in the lower bass and maybe more articulation, but there's more. First, at low volume, bass is never shy but is still very accurate sounding. Second, there's way more dynamics with greater impact. Improvement in dynamics is a very welcome and happy result! Music is even more real than before, and presents with greater ease, seemingly effortless, no strain. Finally, the soundstage is slightly wider. Where's the 800X ? At the back of the room. The bottom 1100X of each front stack and the 800X in back are connected together via an outboard controller to create an LFE Group for movies. The input used on each sub is the LFE input. With this group assigned as LFE in the processor, only the .1 LFE is sent to this group, so Bass Management sends the bass below the crossover settings for the Small channels to the Large Fronts. It's a great arrangement! The app helped so much in the tuning phase. What took hours would've taken days otherwise. I truly don't know how I could be more satisfied with the result!
I am very pleased with my decision to obtain a pair of Dynamo 1100X subs to augment my Motion 40i speakers. After some occasional tweaking over a period of a couple of months, I feel I have them set up to my satisfaction. The 1100X is an excellent value that won't disappoint.
I was looking high quality sub to add Kef ls50 wireless without spoiling image of kef sound and my intention to use only for movies or some times for music listening if i want feel like concert like big bold sound. I knew, needed something like room correction sub and app control required as i had experience with other brand room correction sub. So i tried Dynamo 800x from audio advice. i left with great disappointment after playing while with different settings, Mobile ARC nothing worked out . there was huge vibration on floor ( wood carpet 1st floor ) without out tight musical bass and feel in my gut . if i increase volume it sounded like ported sub woofer especially with movies . Even i waited for 3 weeks for break in period and no significant improvements . so i decided to try 1100x , gland i did. exactly this is the what my expectation were in my mind, when was searching sub woofer . With 1100x i am able to hear difference in bass musicality. Sound is very very musical with fast thump feel in my gut, big and dynamic tight bass even at moderate main volume of Kef without any vibration on floor (80hz crossover and -14 db sub with Mobile ARC ) . I saw The Ritual, quiet place, The Greatest show man trough app tv , All theses sounded great especially in ritual movie after they enter forest , there was thunder sound and that sound almost reaches near to life-like real thunder sound. From this experience i can strongly recommend that do not go for 800x and just go for 1100x there is a huge step up between 800x and 1100X. i can say simply 1100x performance matches the production description what ever they mentioned.
The downside - None to speak of (piano gloss option maybe?). I was shopping for a replacement to my two older (Mirage) ported subwoofers that would compliment my Audiovector QR3 main speakers (powered at 200w RMS each) with more musical accuracy and precision. I was worried that I might require 2 subwoofers or that a sealed sub wouldn't be enough for my 3200 square foot space. WRONG. This sub is tight, accurate, and has WAY more power than I need. Great for music, powerful for theater. My wife had the entire house shaking one night with music alone. Perfectly compliments my Audiovector mains. ARC works very well. This sealed sub really sounds so much better to my ear than ported designs I won't be going back to ported. I can also say that I don't feel the need to have two subs. It also helps that this is manufactured local to me as I do like to support my local economy.